Friday, February 20, 2009

Orian wins big scholarship!

We're trying to work out a way for him to go.


  1. Does this mean no interuption in the bike tour for interviewing for the Hertz fellowship? Congratulations, Orian. Good luck to you all. Karen, we are looking for more African recipes that can be used for our African potluck next week. Should you be in the vacinity of Rwanda, one of the research scientists here who is from there has some places to stay information. Maybe Carol, BJ and I should catch up with you where ever you are in Africa, after visiting Ariel in India! God, I love it when you all have international adventures!
    -Auntie Anne

  2. Hi ORian and Karen
    Hope I can make this work but want to say that last nite when I was at the Local Food Party at SPASH last nite at least 10 folks approached me to say they read the great article in the StevensPoint paper about you receiving the Gate scholarship. Great photo of the elephant and you, Orian! Love, G'ma JO

  3. Orian continues to amaze me after reading the 3/3/09 SPJ article about Africa biking and Cambridge/Gate scholarship. And I thought he was still in South America!
    Congratulations! Continue using your various talents!
    - a Stevens Pointer
